How to get coupons and promo codes for Admitad programs

Coupons and promo codes are special offers from advertisers, including discounts, gifts, free delivery, etc. They help incentivize users and encourage them to perform a target action.

All coupons and promo codes for all programs can be found in Coupons and promo codes (Tools → Coupons and promo codes).

In this section, you'll find:

You can only get a coupon or promo code if your ad space is already connected to a program. What to do if your ad space isn't connected to a program yet

There are three ways to get a coupon or promo code:

How to get coupons and promo codes in your account

1. Go to Coupons and promo codes (Tools → Coupons and promo codes).

You'll see coupons and promo codes for affiliate programs from Admitad Store.

2. Do the following to quickly find coupons and promo codes:

  • Enter a keyword in the search field above the coupon list and click Search.
  • Use the filters on the left. You can use one or several filters.

You can find filter descriptions below. Just click a filter name to expand its description.

  • ◆ Ad space. Here you can select one of your ad spaces for which you want to get a promo code.

    ◆ Region. Use this filter to find coupons and promo codes for a specific country.
    You might want to select the regions where your users live. If you know that the majority of your subscribers are from Germany, it would make sense to look for coupons that are valid there.

    ◆ Langauge. This filter helps you find coupons and promo codes in a certain language.
    If your ad space mostly targets French-speaking users, it would be reasonable to offer them coupons in French.

  • Using this filter, you can find coupons and promo codes:

    • Only for the programs to which your ad space is already connected. For that, check the Only joined programs box.

    • Find coupons and promo codes for certain programs. To do that, start typing the program name in the Search by program field and then check the relevant program.
  • ◆ Only in Admitad. Use this filter to find exclusive coupons and promo codes only available in Admitad.

    ◆ Personal promo codes. This filter will help you find promo codes that you can use without placing an affiliate link.
    Personal promo codes have a set of features:

    • Such promo codes contain a unique code word by which target actions are tracked.
    • Advertisers can provide such promo codes on demand. Learn how to request a promo code.
    • You can use them to keep track of statistics in the corresponding section (Reports → on personal promo codes). Learn more about this section.

    ◆ Available soon. This filter will let you find coupons and promo codes that will become available later. Use them to prepare for a deal and plan your content.

  • ◆ Coupon link. This filter will help you find coupons. A coupon link is activated automatically only when users click the affiliate link.

    ◆ Promo code. You can find promo codes using this filter. A user must enter a code word to get a discount when placing an order. With that said:

    • If this is a personal promo code, you don't have to place an affiliate link.
    • For other promo codes, a user must click your affiliate link before entering a code word. Otherwise, the target action won't be attributed to you.
  • Using this filter, you'll find coupons and promo codes that apply to a specific product category. For example, you might want to use it if you own a blog about books and are looking for book-related deals.

  • Use this filter to find coupons and promo codes for AliExpress Hot Products.

3. After you find relevant coupons or promo codes, you can:

  • Get a coupon or promo code.
  • Export coupons or promo codes as a file (XML, CSV, or XLSX) or get an export link.

Switch to the tab with the instructions.

  • 4. Select a coupon or promo code.

    Pay attention to the terms of the deal and its validity period to avoid posting a coupon or promo code that is about to expire.

    5. Click Code on the coupon or promo code card.


    If there's no Code button in the card, your ad space isn't connected to this program. What to do in this case

    6. In the pop-up window, you'll see information about the coupon or promo code and two fields with affiliate links that you can place on your ad space.

    • Link. Following this link, the user will see the terms of the offer shown inside the iframe tag at the top of the screen.

    • Direct link. Following this affiliate link, the user is taken to the deal or product page.
      You might want to use a direct link since browsers sometimes block iframe.

    In this window, you can also generate a deeplink to redirect a user straight to a certain webpage, such as the page of a product or category to which the coupon or promo code applies. To do that, click Deeplink generator, paste the product/category link into the field, and click Generate.


    7. Place the coupon or promo code and its affiliate link on your website.

    If you use a personal promo code, you don't have to place an affiliate link. Actions will be tracked by the code word.

  • The file will only include coupons and promo codes for the programs to which your ad space is connected. If you use filters, the file will only contain the relevant promo codes.

    8. Click Export in the top right corner and:

    • Select Download XML/CSV/Excel (depending on the preferred format). The file will be saved to your computer.

    • Select Get a link. Copy the file link in the preferred format. Clicking it will save the file to your computer.
    • Parameter Description


      Coupon ID


      Coupon name


      Direct link to the advertiser's website


      Coupon rating


      Program ID


      Program name
      logo Link to the file containing the program logo
      description Coupon description (deal terms)
      species Coupon format
      • action — deal
      • promocode — promo code
      promocode Code word (applicable to promo codes only)
      promolink Coupon link (when clicking it, the iframe coupon header will appear)
      gotolink Coupon direct link (leads to the deal page)
      date_start Coupon start date
      date_end Coupon end date
      types Coupon type. Can be represented in the following values:
      • 1 — Free shipping
      • 2 — Discount on an order
      • 3 — Gift


      Whether a coupon belongs to an exclusive program
      categories Coupon category
      special_category Special coupon category

      The size of the discount. A fixed amount or percentage of the order amount (Only the coupons of the discount for an order type have this parameter)

    9. You're all set! Use the file to deploy coupons and promo codes on your website.

How to get coupons and promo codes using the Telegram bot

To use Admitad Bot on your device, you must have the Telegram messenger installed.

Admitad Bot is a Telegram bot that allows users to access the main features of their Admitad account.

How to get coupons or promo codes for an affiliate program:

1. Find the Admitad Bot on Telegram and log in to your account following this guide.

2. Get coupons and promo codes following this guide.

How to get coupons and promo codes via API

Using the API, you can get:

  • A list of all coupons
  • A list of all coupons available for your ad space
  • A list of coupon categories.

For more information, see the Coupons API method.

Coupons and promo codes FAQ

How do I get a promo code or coupon if my ad space isn't connected to the program?

1. In the promo code or coupon card, click Join program.
You'll be taken to the program page.

2. Connect your ad space to a program following this guide.

3. Once your website is connected to a program, you'll be able to get coupons and promo codes for it following the guide above.

Will the system attribute the target action to me if the user applies a promo code but visits the advertiser's website without going through my affiliate link?

In this case, the target action will only be attributed to you if you use a personal promo code. For these, target actions are tracked by the code word.

  • You can request such a promo code from the advertiser (here's how you can do it).
  • To find such a promo code in Coupons and promo codes, check the Personal promo codes option in the filter by coupon type.

For other types of coupons and promo codes, clicking an affiliate link is a required condition.

Can I generate an affiliate link to the deal page by myself?

Yes, you can do it with the Deeplink Generator tool. However, make sure that it's not prohibited by the program rules. If in doubt, confirm using self-created links in a ticket to Admitad support. Some advertisers have different coupons for different marketing channels, and they prohibit using those that publishers could independently find online.

Another advantage of the ready-to-use coupon links is their detailed analytics. If you use self-prepared links, all the clicks and actions made through them will be recorded in the single Default link section. But if you use the existing coupon links, you'll be able to check the breakdown by coupon and see which ones work better. To do so, go to the Reports on programs section and click the program name.


You can also view the reports on personal promo codes. Go to Reports → on personal promo codes.
Learn more about this section

Can I use coupons or promo codes from sources other than Admitad in my ad space?

No, you can't use coupons and/or promo codes that are not from the Admitad or are not intended for your ad space.

All actions made after following your affiliate links and using coupons or promo codes from third-party sources will be declined. In addition, the advertiser may disconnect you from the affiliate program for such behavior.

Admitad strongly recommends that you only use coupons and promo codes designed for your ad space and available to you in Coupons and promo codes (Tools → Coupons and promo codes).

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