How to join an affiliate program?

Once you signed up to Admitad and added an ad space, you need to join an affiliate program.

We recommend that you read the related texts:

You can join an affiliate program:

How to join a program from the catalog

Go to the catalog and pick a program you would like to join.

Use the filters on the left to quickly find programs that offer the terms you need.
For instance, to find programs you could join instantly, check the Auto moderation box in the filters. Learn more about filters here

How to join an affiliate program? 1

If the Join or Apply for moderation button is inactive in the program card, you won't be able to connect your ad space to it. Learn more about the reasons

If you see the Join button in the program card, it means the program allows autoconnection.
Click Join, read the terms and, if you agree with them, click Accept.

How to join an affiliate program? 2

If your ad space complies with the rules and terms, it will be connected to the program instantly.
Once joined, you can start work: get an affiliate link and deploy it in your ad space. Learn more about ways to get a link

If you see the Apply for moderation button in the program card, this means the program is set up for manual moderation by the advertiser. To join a program, click Apply for moderation, read the program rules, and click Accept.

How to join an affiliate program? 3


How to join on the program page

Go to the catalog and choose a program you want to join.
Use the filters on the left to quickly find programs that offer the terms you need.
For instance, to find programs you could join instantly, check the Auto moderation box in the filters. Learn more about filters here

To open the program page, click its logo (1), name (2), or the Learn more button (3).

How to join an affiliate program? 8

If instead of the Join or Apply for moderation button on the program page you see the hint "You can't join this program", you won't be able to connect your ad space to it. Learn more about the reasons

If you see the Join button on the program page, it means the program allows autoconnection. Click Join.

How to join an affiliate program? 9

In the new window, read the program rules, check the box if you agree with them, and click Join again. If your ad space complies with the rules and terms, it will be connected to the program instantly. Once joined, you can start work: get an affiliate link and deploy it in your ad space. Learn more about ways to get a link

If you see the Apply button on the program page, this means the program is set up for manual moderation by the advertiser. To join the program, click Apply.

How to join an affiliate program? 10

You'll be able to view the status of the join request on the program card. The status reflects the stage of the moderation process.

Moderation statuses

In the new window, read the program rules, check the box if you agree with them, and click Join again. Your join request will be submitted to the advertiser; they have to review it within 5 days. You can learn when moderation will be finished in the program card in the catalog.

How to join an affiliate program? 11

If your ad space meets the advertiser's requirements, they will connect your space to the program; you will receive a confirmation email. Once joined, you can start work: get an affiliate link and deploy it in your ad space. Learn more about ways to get a link

How to join an affiliate program? 12

If your ad space does not comply with the program rules, the advertiser may decline your request. In this case, you will get a declination email. Learn more about reasons for declining

To learn why the advertiser declined your request, click Find out why in the program card.

How to join an affiliate program? 13

If the review period is expired but you received no response from the advertiser, you will see a notification on the program card.

How to join an affiliate program? 14

For one, moderation may drag on if the advertiser is overwhelmed with requests and they just cannot make it in time to process all of them. Learn more about moderation periods.
In this case, you can create a request for Admitad support and describe how you are going to promote the advertiser's goods or services. This way, you will be able to draw the advertiser's attention to your request and they will make a resolution faster. To create a ticket, click Complain.

>>> Back to ways to join a program

How to find programs you have already joined

To find programs you have already joined, mark Joined in the Status filter.

How to join an affiliate program? 15

After you have joined a program

Now that you are connected to the program, you need to get an affiliate link and publish it on your ad space.
Read these texts:

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